Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Team Meeting

I wanted to get in front of everything, so I contacted the team that helps me with things like transportation to get them on the same page and plan.

I feel like it was a waste, honestly.  A phone call would've sufficed.  Maybe an email...

They can't help us pay for transportation for Mr. Davicob to see me at the rehab center (even though seeing him will assist in my recovery) and advised me to call the bus company with another question.

They can't contact the rehabilitation center because the hospital has to do it.  Then, they said to call the hospital beforehand.

Everything I asked about the rehab place they couldn't answer.  So, I have to call them.

A meeting for three new tasks when I can barely stay upright with everything I'm doing now.

My team is good.  It was just frustrating and scream-worthy.

I have too much to do before the operation.  I don't need more.

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