Monday, December 30, 2019

Thymic rebound?

On December 16th, I had a CT scan.  I was hoping for concrete good news, but my health generally ends up more complicated than that.

Important facts:

  1. I'm no longer anemic.  The iron supplements are working, so I don't need to be scoped.
  2. I might have cystitis.  My bladder wall is thickening, so it might be the chronic type.  I've had strange fevers once a month with low, pelvic pain and cystitis could be the explanation.
  3. There is a spot in my chest that Dr. Y. is pretty sure is thymic rebound.  He said this before and it turned out to be Hodgkin's, so I'm not convinced.  I left the hospital feeling like round two of chemotherapy is in my future... but, I want to be wrong.  
I see a urologist in February for the possible cystitis.  Soon, I'll have a specialist for every organ and system inside me.

I get another PET scan in March due to the spot.  Out damn spot, out I say!  Ugh.

Overall, I suppose the news isn't too bad.  A possible (supposedly unlikely) tiny bit of cancer is quite preferred to knowing it's back for sure.  It's just... more uncertainty.

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